While doing the welcoming of Parkfields Primary School’s grandparents appreciation day, principal Diana Williams was overcome with emotion, saying she could not adequately express her gratitude for the role they play in their grandchildren’s lives.
The grandparents were entertained by the children in a two-hour show of song, dance, and poetic odes that some of them penned themselves. Singer and comedian Cheryl Gombaard also made a special appearance, and had everybody in stitches with her humour.
Speaking to the grandparents, Ms Williams said: “I am in awe of you. I want to thank you for going the extra mile for your grandchildren. Words can never describe the good that you are doing for our children. I know you get your strength from the Almighty and you are so blessed. If it was not for you, we would not have 800 children enrolled at our school. So thank you grandmas and grandpas – your efforts ensured that our children are in school and not in the streets. Although the circumstances at home might not be good all the time, you have a passion to make things better and create a better life for your grandchildren. All we ask of you, is to pray for us.”
Ms Williams also told the pupils to appreciate what their grandparents are doing for them, and cautioned them not to show any disrespect towards them.
After the entertainment, the grandparents were ushered to a makeshift hall (two adjoining classrooms), where they were treated to a scrumptious meal. All the teachers at the school assisted with the fundraising for the event, ensuring that all the grandparents also receive gifts.
Apart from the snacks and tea the staff organised, a non-profit organisation Humanity is our Life, also provided a hearty cooked meal to the seniors.