Adam J Carelse, co-owner of Koinonia Cake and Coffee Shop
Koinonia Cake and Coffee Shop is located at 19 Golf Course Road, in Sybrand Park.
The coffee shop exists since 1995 and operates as a Christian ministry within a business environment.
Our aim is to invest the proceeds of sales back into the community.
Our next ministry outreach is a breakfast for domestic workers who are employed in Sybrand Park.
The breakfast will be served at the coffee shop, on Ash Wednesday, March 1, at 10am.
We hereby invite all domestic workers who are employed in Sybrand Park to come and collect an invitation at the coffee shop, between 8.30am and 4.30pm, weekdays. The purpose of collecting an invitation is to assist us to determine the number of people who will attend the breakfast. Invitations must be collected by Thursday February 23.
For details, I can be contacted at 021 696 9033 or 083 441 7179 or by email at