Seven years ago, Kat Gilardi, from Rondebosch East, walked away with the Ms Gay Western Cape 2010 title and was asked to come up with a concept or event to raise funds for a specific cause.
This gave rise to the Divas One Night Only cabaret show, a performance that captured the imagination of many.
“I was just so taken by cabaret when I was introduced to it by Tiara Skye.
“As a novice, I had no clue what cabaret was or what it entailed, but when I did my first show, it was like love at first sight with creative energy… I didn’t search any further,” Kat said.
The show has already won numerous awards on the local Cape Town scene and is referred to as “a red carpet affair”.
“I would never have guessed that it would grow so much; it has been sold out for the past five years.
“Tickets go so quick, but what I love is that it’s families that come to the show, grandparents, nieces, brothers – it’s a show for everyone,” Kat said.
Funds raised at the show support Kat’s very own “Soup Spoon Kitchen” project, which sees them approaching community centres and schools to give a warm cup of soup to the community in winter, hence the reason why the show is held during the winter months.
The show includes some of Cape Town’s seasoned entertainers on the cabaret scene with some new and upcoming performers who go through an audition process.
“The performers are just ordinary people. Some are teachers, lawyers, students, social workers and the list goes on, but they all have one thing in common – the love of entertaining through music. It’s not just about boys in dresses, but people who turn to cabaret to entertain, educate and have a good time,” Kat said.
The event will be held on Friday July 28 at the Joseph Stone Auditorium in Athlone, starting at 8pm. Tickets are R150 and can be booked at Computicket.
Doors open at 6.30pm as cheese and wine will be served before the show.