With the water crisis in Cape Town still looming, musician Chad Saaiman will be donating one bottle of water to Grassroot Soccer (GRS) South Africa for each goal scored in the upcoming fives tournament.
GRS South Africa is a registered non-profit organisation which started its first programmes in South Africa in 2006.
The organisation works with local partners including Childline, Thuthuzela Care Centres, Sonke Gender Justice Network, WITS Reproductive Health Institute, universities of Western Cape, Cape Town, and Witswatersrand, the Soul City Institute for Health and Development Communication, and Violence Prevention through Urban Upgrading, to develop programmes which are tailored to address issues facing South African youth.
The Chad Saaiman Fives Tournament has been running for three years.
This year, Chad has teamed up with Canal Walk and Fives Futbol to host the event, and has opened it up to the public.
It is a five-a-side soccer tournament in which 16 teams will compete for R10 000 and anyone from the public can enter, at a cost of
R1 000 per team.
The tournament will take place on Saturday March 10 at the Fives Futbol Century City Arena at 1pm.
Chad who currently lives in Mouille Point and previously lived in Crawford, said that in addition to music, he is also passionate about soccer.
“Both my dad and brother played soccer so they expected me to follow but I had a choice to make and at the time music was the better option. When I was younger I always wanted to be a soccer player though,” said Chad.
Athlone News contacted Grassroot Soccer, but by the time this edition went to print, they had not yet responded to our questions.