Jonathan Carelse, Vanguard and Welcome Estate Ratepayers’ Association
We would like to inform all ratepayers of Vanguard Estate and Welcome Estate that a steering committee has been established.
The following ratepayers form the nucleus of this committee: Quinton Bosser, Tania Bosser, Estelle Carolissen, Jonathan Carelse, Joseph Mitchell, Kevin Wyngaard and Mansoor Yaghya.
We have drafted a constitution, together with a plan of roll out, for broader community participation.
Your involvement will be the foundation of a successful forum. We will publish a notice of our first community meeting, which is provisionally scheduled for the end of June, to be held at the Vanguard Primary School hall.
All businesses, schools, churches and mosques and madrassas will also be encouraged to participate on this platform.
Our public relations officer, Quinton Bosser, will liaise in more detail closer to the date of the community meeting.
Please feel free to email us on or call Quinton at 079 874 8939 after hours between 6pm and 7pm for any enquires.