The Miss and Mr Tropical beauty pageant, which was held at the Manenberg People’s Centre on Saturday March 10, saw contestants vying for the top spot in various categories. The pageant was open to girls and boys from the age of 2 to 16. There was also a category for Gay Miss Tropical.
Zoe Khumalo, middle, was crowned Miss Gay Tropical, Lola Fine, left, was crowned First Princess and Denise Wyngard was crowned Second Princess.
From left are Best Dressed Bilqis Baadjies, First Princess Eden Johnson, Queen Tatum Adams, Second Princess Zia Gain and Miss Personality Zahierah Daniels. They competed in the 10 to 12 age category.
In the 13 to 16 age category, Stephanie Meester took First Princess, Taryn Leseh was crowned Miss Tropical and Kashief Daniels was crowned Mr Tropical.
The winners in the 6-to-9 age old category, are, from left, Miss Personality Zara Martin, First Princess Tamia Gain, Queen Amara Samaai, Second Princess Christeen Williams and Best Dressed Caiden- Lee Malan.