Ward demarcation changes have not been effectively communicated with the community – this is according to some civic organisations in the greater Athlone area.
Many of the boundaries of wards in the Athlone News’ distribution area have changed, and some wards have moved to another sub-council.
However, civic bodies say residents are not aware of the changes, which came into effect after the local government elections in August last year.
Kader Jacobs, chairperson of the Surrey Estate Ratepayers’ Association, said his organisation was “as much in the dark” as the community was. “We are trying to get hold of our ward councillor, Aslam Cassiem, but this has not transpired yet,” he said.
“The City of Cape Town made these changes, but it was not communicated to the community.
“The least we expect, is for the ward councillor to explain to us the new demarcation – even if it’s in the form of a flyer dropped in our post boxes, to say, ‘this is the new look of your ward’.”
Among the changes are that Gatesville and Rylands are no longer part of Ward 48. These two areas now form part of Ward 46.
Manenberg has been split into three different wards, and pockets of the area are now part of Ward 42, Ward 45 or Ward 46.
Ward 49 now also includes parts of Langa, Ward 60 includes parts of Athlone, and certain pockets of Bridgetown and Silvertown are now split between Ward 49 and Ward 44.
Ward 46 and Ward 47 have also moved to be part of Sub-council 11 in Gugulethu, and Ward 42 and Ward 45 are part of Sub-council 14, also in Gugulethu. Ward 49 has been moved back to Sub-council 17.
The newly appointed Sub-council 17 manager, Anisha Vittee, said with people being unaware of the changes, it became particularly challenging when they approached the wrong sub-council to submit job-seeker applications. These applications can only be submitted in the sub-council in which the ward they live in, falls under.
Igshaan Nazier, the chairperson of the Hanover Park Civic Association, said on Monday January 23, he was approached by a couple asking him why they should travel to Gugulethu to drop off their job-seeker application forms. Hanover Park is part of Ward 47.
“It was more convenient for people to travel to Athlone, to get to Sub-council 17. This involved one taxi they take from the Hanover Park terminus. Now they have to take more than one taxi, and some even have to walk long distances to get to Sub-council 11 in Gugulethu. I’m all for integration, which brings the communities together, so that we can avoid speaking about them and us. However, our people are reluctant to change.
“When it comes to the people’s pockets, though, I can understand why they are unhappy. Now they are having to spend more money on travelling fare. I don’t think people were informed about it in reasonable time. The changes were discussed, but at a very late stage of the process,” Mr Nazier said.
Ward 47 councillor and Sub-council 11 chairperson, Antonio van der Rheede, said, however, that people had been informed of the changes. “I informed the community when we had public meetings, I also met with our ward committee members, and the City had a public participation process. People had their chance to say what was on their mind during the Integrated Development Plan (IDP) process. We invited the community to the IDP meetings, and even arranged transport, but only a half-filled bus left Hanover Park.
“There was ample time, and only now they are raising their voices.The information is freely available. Also, when it comes to approaching the sub-council to be on the job-seeker database, one only has to do that once. If your telephone number or address changed, this can be updated on the telephone. For any other inquiries, they can approach my office, which is in the community, or make use of the free telephone line service available at the local housing office.
“Some people, however, feel that they will get a better service if they go to the Civic Centre in Cape Town.
“I believe these changes are for the better. It all forms part of the decentralisation, which was announced by Mayor Patricia De Lille recently.
“This will positively effect service delivery and help to resolve issues quicker,” Mr Van Der Rheede said. Primrose Park Ratepayers’ Association chairperson, Shaheem Samaai, said his organisation had met with Mr Cassiem, who was also that community’s ward councillor. “There are two changes in our ward. Gatesville and Rylands are now part of our ward and the ward has moved to Sub-council 11. We have shared our concerns with Mr Cassiem, but I haven’t heard anything from our residents yet. I suppose this might be that they are not aware of the changes yet. This is definitely something we will include in our newsletter so that the community is informed about it,” Mr Samaai said.
On its website, the City of Cape Town explains the role of a sub-council follows: “Sub-councils serve as the link between local communities in Cape Town and the City Council. A sub-council is a geographically defined area within the city which is made up of between three and six neighbouring wards. Sub-councils exist to make sure that the issues affecting your neighbourhood are heard and dealt with. There are a total of 24 sub-councils which make up the City of Cape Town’s municipal structure. The sub-councils serve the residents by engaging with them on municipal issues.
“Sub-councils have been given the power to act on behalf of the City via the System of Delegations and they have the authority to make decisions on a range of municipal matters.
“Sub-council meetings take place once a month, or whenever an urgent issue arises and needs immediate attention. Decisions are made through a majority vote by the sub-council committee.”
Explaining who the members of a sub-council are, the site says these include: “ward councillors, PR councillors, the sub-council chairperson, the sub-council manager, the chairperson and councillors are the sub-council’s political representatives.”
Explaining how councillors are elected, the site goes on to say: “Ward councillors and PR councillors are not elected by their sub-council. Ward councillors are elected by the constituents in their wards, and PR councillors are appointed by their political party. The sub-council chairperson is elected by the members of the sub-council and the sub-council manager is appointed by the city manager to run the administrative affairs of the sub-council. “As a member of the community, you may contact the sub-council manager regarding any municipal service issue that you might have. It is a good idea to contact your ward councillor with any questions or problems before you contact your sub-council manager. Ward councillors can also ensure that your community issues are included in the meeting agenda. All sub-council meetings are open to the public. These meeting dates are advertised and you may contact the sub-council manager if you wish to make a presentation at the meeting.”
Ward 48’s councillor is Magedien Davids. The ward includes: Belgravia Estate, Penlyn Estate, Belthorn Estate, Mountview, Pinati Estate, Crawford (west of Thornton Road, south of Kromboom Road, east of Jan Smuts Street and north of Lawson Road).
Rashid Adams is Ward 49’s councillor. The ward includes: Hazendal, Kewtown, Langa (west of Bhunga Avenue, N’Dabeni Street and Church Road, south of Washington Street, Mokone Primary School and Jan Smuts Street. east of Athlone Refuse Transfer Station and north of the N2 Freeway), Bridgetown (west of Eros Primary School, Sycamore Way and Kweper Avenue, south of the N2/Settlers Drive, east of the Vygekraal River until Dr Abdurahman Avenue. north of Cornflower Street and Loerie Road), Silvertown (west of Blossom Street), Athlone (west of Belgravia Road, St Mauri Road, St Athans Road and Thornton Road, South of Klipfontein Road, east of the Railway Line).
Mark Kleinschmidt is Ward 60’s councillor. This ward includes: Lansdowne, Rondebosch East, Athlone (west of the railway line, south of Klipfontein Road, East of Kromboom Parkway and north of Mosman Road), Crawford (west of Jan Smuts Road, south of Kromboom Parkway and east of the railway line. north of Kendal Road), Mowbray (Mowbray Golf Club) and Sybrand Park.
Anthony Moses is Ward 44’s councillor. This ward includes: Bridgetown (west of the M7/Jakes Gerwel Drive and south of the N2/Settlers Drive, East of Eros Primary School, Sycamore Way, Kweper Avenue, Denne Street, Loerie Street, Blossom Street, Appledene Road, Petunia Road, Linaria Street, Linaria Crescent, Olympic Crescent, Gugulethu (west of Steve Biko Drive, east of the Central Railway Line and north of Klipfontein Road), Heideveld, Silvertown (east of Blossom Street), Vanguard, Welcome Estate.
Mogamat Aslam Cassiem is Ward 46’s councillor. The ward covers: Gatesville, Hatton, Manenberg (west of Jordan Street, Gonubie Road, Elsjieskraal Road, Duinefontein Road, Tousberg Road, Hex Crescent and Slanghoek Way; south of Klipfontein Road; east of Aries Street and north of Ruimte Way), Manenberg (west of Plate Street, Pam Road and Manenberg Avenue, south of Belinda Walk, East of Vygekraal Road and north of the Downs Road), Newfields, Rylands, Sand Industria and Surrey Estate.
Sonwabo Ngxumza is Ward 42’s councillor. The ward includes: Manenberg (west of Duinefontein Road, south of the Downs Road, east of Vygekraal Road and north of Govan Mbeki Road).
Bonita Jacobs is Ward 45’s councillor. The ward includes: Manenberg (west of Duinefontein Road and the railway line, south of Klipfontein Road and east of Slanghoek Way, Hex Crescent, Tousberg Road, Duinefontein Road, Elsjieskraal Road, Gonubie Road, Jordan Street, Ruimte Way, Lyne Road, Boyne Street, and Vygekraal)