A 50-year-old woman from Bonteheuwel is thrilled after she passed matric with a university-entrance pass.
Sadieka Abrahams decided to complete her matric in 2019 to support her daughter who was in her final year at high school. She wanted to encourage her to finish school, study further and land a good job.
Ms Abrahams dropped out of school at 17.
From Mondays to Thursdays, she walked to Bridgetown night school and home again at 8.30pm. Her matric exams last year were postponed from May to November because of Covid-19.
She says she was determined to get her matric certificate even though money was tight, she says.
“I had a goal to complete and as hard as it was. When I eventually wrote exams in Manenberg at the Combined Centre I stressed most exam days as I did not have money to even travel to the exam centre, but I was determined and made my way there come what may.“
She says she is thrilled to have achieved a Bachelor’s pass – a pass good enough to get her into university.
“People told me that doing all six subjects in one go was a mistake, as the load is too heavy, but I said that I would prove them wrong, and I did. Thank you to the Almighty for always blessing me.”
She now wants to train women and single mothers in her community to become self sustainable.
“My message to everyone is that you are never too old to learn and to achieve your goals. Don’t allow people to get you down and say that you don’t have what it takes, and if you don’t succeed try again because you are only a failure if you do not dust yourself off and try again.“
There are always difficulties in life, she says, but young people should not give up on their dreams and drop out of school.
“The opportunities are here for you now. Make use of them, and make the right choices in life. Yes, Bonteheuwel is filled with drugs and gangsterism, but you don’t need to be the area you live in, be better.“